Sunday, March 30, 2008

~Clearly, there is not enough room~

I am writing this blog on behalf of all of the people living in dorm such as Tutwiler, Burke, or any other dorm where you are sharing a room with someone other than yourself.

THERE IS NOT ENOUGH ROOM!! That is my thoughts the more I live in Burke West. I don't mind living in Burke West because of it's location, which makes it convenient for traveling purposes, and the fact that I can easily get to the Burke Commons Dining Hall! Other than that, I don't care for it! There are a number of reasons that I don't care for them, but the one that hits home the most is: THERE IS NOT ENOUGH ROOM! I am a person who just likes her own personal space, and I feel that the size of Burke West rooms are a definite invasion of privacy. There is no "wall of separation" which makes me feel like I have my own space and my roommate hers. No, instead I have to look up and constantly be reminded that there is another person right across from me! I think that as college students we shouldn't be subjected to such foolishness because we need our own space. For example, if I seriously need to study and my roommate is on the phone talking really loud. Or if I want to just come to my room and rest, but my roommate has company! Well, it's not like I can say "Ya'll need to take that to the living room! or "Hey, can you take your company to your room?" Asking such questions would be redundant because there is no fesible solution. Honestly, I don't think there is any other solution to this problem other than moving out or just not moving in to these communities at all! Now, I'm not saying that places like Burke West, Tutwiler, etc. aren't good places. They are, but they lack the privacy that comes with places like Ridgecrest, Lakeside, Rose Towers, etc. So if I could give a word of advice to anyone thinking about moving to somewhere like Burke West it would be to "Seriously put a lot of thought into it before you actually do it! Think about the lack of privacy! And if you're going to have a lack of privacy it would be so much better to spend it with someone who you would enjoy it with!"

1 comment:

Chelsea's blog said...

Yeah, I came and visited a friend living in blount and the dorms definatly made my decision about whether I would participate in that program or live in the honors dorms. However, I had a friend who goes to school in Ohio come visit and she was completely amazed at the dorm because she is now paying extra to live in a co-op and has her own room but is still crammed into a smaller space.