Sunday, April 13, 2008

Another Valuable Resource: The Student Health Center

Around Wednesday evening, I began to feel sick. Me being me, I didn't think anything of it, so I just bought some over the counter medicine. I took the medicine, but Thursday morning I woke up feeling worse. Once again me trying to be independent, I took so medicine and rested all day long. Finally, Friday morning I said, "You know what! I'm tired of feeling terrible. I'm going to the Student Health Center if it kills me!" So after eating chicken noodle soup for breakfast and getting dressed, I headed to the Student Health Center. I rode Crimson from Burke West to the Hub and after that Blue Express from the Hub to the Student Health Center. Once I got in there, I was happy to see that there wasn't that many people in there. I signed in, and about 15 mins later they were calling me to the back. The nurse was very friendly. She did the usual "check-up" (checking ur temp, checking your blood pressure, etc.). Then, I was told to go back outside and wait til the next doctor was available. Literally, 10 minutes later I heard my name being called. I was so shocked that it didn't take long because my friend said it took her a long time the last time she came. So I went in the back and seen the doctor. (Who I must say was really friendly also.) So I would advise anyone who's feeling bad to go there! Hey why not? You've already paid for it!

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