Monday, April 28, 2008

Art in the Ferg?

I must say that on Thursday when Robin said that we were going to the art gallery in the Ferg. I thought she was seriously mistaken. I thinking, "No she can't mean the Ferg. She must have gotten her buildings mixed up." But my curiousity didn't seem to go away. I still wondered exactly where it was and what would be in it. Once we arrived there, I realized that I had walked by the gallery a million times and didn't realize that it was an art gallery. As soon as I walked in, I noticed that the theme seemed to be something to do with hearts because there were a lot of hearts around. I began moseying around and realized that the hearts represented the victims of domestic violence. It was very touching to see their art work and read their stories. The art work made me think about things that I hadn't really thought about. The black heart with the nails coming out of it really stuck out in my mind because it was very unique. It seemed to be the most "painful", I guess you could say. After going to that art gallery, I definitely left with a lot on my mind.


Chelsea's blog said...

It's really interesting to me that the exhibit wasn't more advertised. The "taking back the night" I saw a lot of but never was told about the art gallery. Maybe it was in there and I just missed it.

~*Hello Kitty*~ said...

Yeah, I agree! I didn't even know that that area existed in the Ferg, and I definitely didn't know about that specific exhibit.